Thursday, October 11, 2007

Hannah Hannah Hannah combined

Hannah Green's Pencil Project
Hannah Coble's memory box

This is the redo that is the closest to Hannah Coble's memory box. It is a cube like structure and has a lot of decorative shapes around the sides of the box.

This box is right in the middle between the two Hannah's projects. The box is not as tall as Green's, but not as short as Coble's. it has a divider in the center of the box and a print on the lid like Coble's does; it also has decoraions around the sides to represent Green's Memory box.

This box comes closest to represent Hannah Coble's Pencil Box. It has a divider in the center of the box and is a rectangular shape. and of coarse there is a lot of colorful shapes on the lid to represent Hannah Greens Memory box.

1 comment:

suzanne cabrera said...

Where's your zine??? If you need it back to me so you can post it, let me know.