This experience has been quite an eventful one, mainly because I had the most difficulty getting onto the bus. My original plan was to board on Tate st in front of Jimmy Johns. I walked down to the bus stop with Ashleigh, Brianna and Chelsea. We got there early so we thought we had time to quickly use the restroom. I ended up being the last in line for the bathroom, and was surprised to find no one when I came out of the restaurant. Then, my phone rang, it was Ashleigh saying that they tried to get the bus driver to wait for me but he ignored their request.
I knew the next bus came in approximately thirty minutes, but I was a little skeptical about riding on the bus by myself.
I waited until after class and finished working on my chair cards. Brianna was nice enough to offer to ride with me on the bus again. Again, we headed towards Jimmy Johns. As we were walking on Spring Garden, we saw the GTA bus driving away. They were fifteen minutes early and they were already gone!!! I was so frustrated, and was considering not doing the assignment because it it seemed like it was not meant to be. However, Brianna was persistent with we stick with it and wait another thirty minutes for the bus to come back to the other stop on Tate st.
We waited and waited and waited a little more for the bus to return. Finally, it arrived and the doors opened. I took a step onto the first step and the door closed on me. I was stuck and Brianna was still out of the bus! I squirm my way into the bus, turn around and see Brianna freaking out and not knowing what to do. Meanwhile, everyone else on the bus is hysterically laughing. I pry the bus door open and get Brianna on board. The bus is packed and there are only two open seats in the back. Everyone is starring at us because of what had just happened. We started talking about our experience so far with GTA, and two girls sitting across from us started relating to out story. These two girls were very nice and made us not feel like we were the only ones having a difficult time with public transit. The bus driver swung us around as if we were in a roller coaster. He took all of the back roads to the mall and the longest way to turn around from the mall. When we arrived at the mall, everyone but us got out. The bus driver took this opportunity to yell at us for boarding on the back of the bus. We told him that we were sorry and we didn't know you were supposed to board on the front entrance.
Finally, we arrived back on Tate st. and thanked God that this experience was over.
1 comment:
I like that you were honest about your frustration with this project, some people felt your pain but didn't include it into their summary/description, however I feel like it helped explain your mindset in this adventure. Also, I especially like the pictures of the people on the bus then the same view with no one on the bus. This helps show how different the bus is at different times, it's silent, but says a lot.
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