As we all know, puppy dog eyes make a person sympathetic and will give into anything. I found this example of graphic media neat because they didn't take a picture of a dog and adjust its eyes to look really cute, but they graphically designed the entire puppy.

This ad caught my eye because of the melon on the mans head, obviously. I wonder how it is that they can create something to look so real. It is also sort of gross because you can see the watermelon sliced open, which would be his brain.

Obviously, this is an ipod commercial. They have this look of a solid color in the background and a black contour branded. This was a very smart decision because the ipod is the only detailed object in the entire ad.

The orange sunlight in this ad is so riveting and draws the viewer to the center of the page to get to know what the purpose of the commercial is. Although i am uncertain as to what this ad is for other than using your imagination, the buildings looks so real, but almost taken from a comic book because of the pixels you can see.

A lot of car commercials look like this, they have the car turned at a particular angle in the center of the ad, there is little color in order to show off the car, and there is one catchy line.

I really enjoy this piece of graphic media because it is trying to get the viewer to understand the experience of going sailing on a particular boat. It shows people working, the water flowing and certain features to the boat itself.

This ad is so simple that it gives you the only information you need. I like the black background that lines each picture with a white background. The only information they give you is what their type of design is and where you can get in contact with someone to learn more about it.

It is a really nice touch that this advertisment uses the dots in the bag to their advantage. the black and white is very simple, but classic and the poka dots give it a connection between the entire ad and the bag.

The reason as to why i chose this ad is because of the choice that they decided to divide the products into squares. However, there are a few product that break the square boundaries and they stand out more.

This advertisment is very clever to me because the product, carpet, is divided into modules(hence the name) and the ad is broken up into the same shaped squares, almost as though you are mapping out where to put each square foot of carpet.
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